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Sylvie Desjardins
Associate Professor
Office: SCI 387Phone: 250.807.8767
Email: sylvie.desjardins@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Mathematical ecology and insect dispersal.
Courses & Teaching
Applied mathematics; vector calculus; differential geometry; complex analysis.
My current research interests lie in the areas of mathematical ecology and insect dispersal. I believe strongly in interdisciplinary research, and much of my work is now in collaboration with biologists. My approach is project oriented; I use a range of mathematical tools, and I’m involved in all aspects of the research program, from data collection to model formulation and analysis.
PhD University of Oregon
Research Interests & Projects
- Threatened Butterflies of the South Okanagan Similkameen: Dispersal and Genetic Diversity, with Nusha Keyghobadi (UWO)
- Leptoglossus Mark-Release-Recapture Study, with Staffan Lindgren (UNBC) and Ward Strong (BC Ministry of Forests)
- Poetry, Mathematics and Endangered Species, Nancy Holmes (UBC Okanagan)